Dichiarazione Presidenza UE contro attacchi a villaggi kareni da parte dell'esercito birmano
La UE condanna duramente i recenti attacchi e incendi dei villaggi kareni e chiede l'avvio con urgenza di un dialogo per il cessate il fuoco

EU Presidency calls for ceasefire talks in Burma/Myanmar
Vienna, 3 May 2006 - The EU Presidency is very concerned by the fact that the Myanmar/Burmese Army has recently stepped up its campaign against the Karen National Union (KNU). The fighting is reported to have created a significant number of displaced persons in northern Karen state, and contributed to a further significant movement of refugees to Thailand.

The EU Presidency calls upon the Burmese leadership to cease abuses and dislocations of civilians in the zones of conflict and urges both sides to strictly adhere to international humanitarian law.

The EU supports the territorial integrity of Myanmar/Burma and the protection of human rights of all citizens and groups in the country regardless of ethnicity or religion. The EU Presidency strongly believes that the country’s inter-ethnic conflicts should be resolved by peaceful political and democratic means.

The EU Presidency therefore calls upon the Government of Burma/Myanmar and the KNU to pursue talks leading to a genuine and lasting ceasefire and to a sustainable political settlement.